Just as I was wondering what to blog today, guess who popped in?
She has a new book out
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Alyssa: I love this cover. Boy is she tiny and he huge. Tell us a little about these two. They don't seem so opposite. That is the best type of yummy.
Amelia: Thanks. I enjoyed writing this book.
Alyssa: This one isn't chase, ignore, relent, together as some are. This pattern is a bit different. Can you tell us about it?
Amelia: You are right. Here is a little introduction.
As soon as she steps off the train into the hot western sun, Charlotte Rose wonders if she has made a mistake. Leaving Boston to take a job as the schoolmarm of the small town of Weston, Arizona had seemed like a good idea, but the man sent to fetch her from the station almost changes her mind. The handsome but uncivilized brute who introduces himself as Max Harrison not only calls Charlotte by her first name, he even demands that she change her outfit.
Her humiliation is complete when, after ignoring his advice to put on something more suitable for the summer weather, she faints from the heat. To her utter shame, Charlotte is forced to endure being undressed down to her underthings to cool down, and worse still, Max warns her in no uncertain terms that any further foolishness will earn her a sound spanking on her bare bottom. Yet somehow, despite his threat to chastise her in such a barbaric fashion, Charlotte cannot deny that being in Max’s presence sets her heart fluttering like nothing ever has before.
Though she may be the feistiest woman he has ever laid eyes on, Max finds himself longing to see more of Charlotte—much more, in fact—and when he discovers that she feels the same way, he sets about courting her. But Weston is a very different place from Boston, and Max makes it clear to Charlotte that he will do whatever needs doing to keep his girl safe, even if that means taking her over his knee for a good, hard spanking as often as her behavior warrants it.
Charlotte’s love for Max grows deeper with each passing day, but she cannot help wondering if he sees her as nothing more than a silly girl in need of his constant protection, and matters come to a head when a violent, hateful man with a grudge against Max seeks to disrupt their lives. Will Charlotte’s pride be her undoing, or will she finally get the chance to prove herself to Max?
Alyssa: Love this. Can you give us a little excerpt?
Amelia: Of course:
His expression softened slightly. “I don’t think ill of you. I think ill of him. He’s a cruel man. Listen carefully to what I say now. You’re not to dine with him again or spend any time alone with him. Is that understood?”
Charlotte flinched, and her temper flared. She suddenly remembered why Max always managed to irritate her. “Max, what right do you have to order me about? I’m a grown woman, perfectly capable of deciding whether I wish to spend time with someone, and I’ll thank you not to boss me. It galls me.”
Max raised his voice. “That’s too damn bad, young lady. You will mind my words. I speak them for your safety, not for your pleasure. As for the right to give you orders, I want you to be my woman, and unless I’m really bad at reading signals, you want that too.” He held a finger to her face. “If you want me to court you, Charlotte Rose, you must agree to obey me.”
Charlotte stared at him and then stammered her response. “That was the worst offer of courtship in the history of courtships.”
“That could very well be,” he growled. “But I’m not concerned about being courtly at the moment. I’m concerned about your stubborn pride getting in the way of your safety. Look here, Charlie. Whether or not you want me to court you, I insist you stay away from him or else answer to me. I won’t watch you harmed at that man’s hands, and I’ll do whatever needs doing to prevent it. Have I made myself clear?”
Charlotte looked into his fierce eyes and swallowed hard. She felt something blooming inside of her that she’d never felt before. It grew stronger than her irritation. It was a feeling of gratefulness and trust. For the first time, she felt like a man cared enough to protect her, and not just any man, a man she believed capable of doing so. What all but eliminated her annoyance was learning than he would ensure her safety even if she offered him nothing in return.
“Yes, sir. It’s clear,” she said, lowering her eyes to the floor.
“You agree to stay away from him then, Charlotte?”
“Yes, Max,” she said, her eyes still cast downward.
“Good girl.”
His two simple words caused her new feeling to grow, as though what bloomed inside of her had been sprinkled with rain.
“Have I mentioned yet that Simon is Tim’s father?”
Charlotte’s head shot up. “No.”
“Right. Now you know. That’s the man who beats his own son, and he punches women as easily as he bows to them.” Max removed his intense gaze from her face. He walked to a bench that had escaped water damage, sat down, and held out his hand. “Come here, Charlotte, and place yourself over my lap. I’m going to give you that spanking I’ve mentioned a couple of times.”
Sell Links
AMAZON US: http://www.amazon.com/Fetching-Charlotte-Rose-Amelia-Smarts-ebook/dp/B01B8PLLH6/ref=zg_bs_10159315011_17
AMAZON UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fetching-Charlotte-Rose-Amelia-Smarts-ebook/dp/B01B8PLLH6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1454169074&sr=8-1&keywords=fetching+charlotte+rose
BARNES & NOBLE: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/fetching-charlotte-rose-amelia-smarts/1123336993?ean=2940157940195
ALL ROMANCE: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-fetchingcharlotterose-1974338-147.html
Also by Amelia Smarts
The Unbraiding of Anna Brown – Hardened widower awakens from grief when met by a sweet, headstrong young lady in need of some old-fashioned discipline.
Missy Meets the Marshal – A troubled woman in need of protection and discipline meets a tough marshal, whose job it is to provide both.
Amelia, can you tell us a little about yourself?
I’m an avid reader and writer of spanking romance novels, usually involving a cowboy, always involving a firm hand and a scorched ass. If you were to peek inside my Kindle, you’d find plenty of spanking romances as well as books by John Steinbeck, Margaret Atwood, Gillian Flynn, and other authors from disparate genres. What all of my favorite stories share are complex characters who draw me into their struggles and successes.
If you’d like to talk books with me, please connect via email, Facebook, and/or Twitter. Thanks for reading!
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Thanks for having me, Alyssa! :)