The O'Connor Family is Back with
Book 2 out

“Now that’s ridiculous.” She stood with her arms crossed over her breasts. Oddly, she felt her muff was covered well enough.
“No, what is ridiculous is that you think you’ve any influence over this now. You gave up your chance unless you’re playing your yellow card.”
He sent her to the corner with another searing smack to her bottom cheeks when she didn’t respond, and its message was acknowledged in her yelp and immediate reaching back to soothe her nates.
“Those hands are to be on the clothes not your ass, Cheyenne.”
She screeched her irritation but reached down and folded the clothing giving Quinn a perfect view of all the jewels in her buried treasure trove.
“Now what?” she asked standing up straight and placing her hands on her hips, bared breasts forgotten in her irritation.
“You’re a sassy minx tonight, aren’t you?” came his exasperated reply.
“No, I’m a frustrated, irritated, irate woman who is going to say this only one time. I hate doctors and no matter how angry you are at that, no matter how sick I get, I’m still not going to see a doctor if I don’t have to, and that’s my right.”
“Are you playing your yellow card?” “Yes. No.” She shook her head.
That was when she really noticed Quinn. She saw he wasn’t looking at the papers he had in front of him but was leaned back on the couch with one arm on the back, the other hand on the armrest propping his chin and right ankle sitting on the left knee.
He was everything she ever needed, and he deserved her everything. She looked at him cautiously. His facial expression was pained, as though he had a problem he was trying to puzzle out. She was his problem, as usual.
“Quinn?” She took a step out of the corner she was never really in, unsure what to do. “What’s wrong?”
“Turn around, cailín dána.” Cheyenne faltered, still unsure what to do with the unfamiliar sight of a nonplused, if not worried, Quinn.
“I’m sorry,” her hesitant voice said sweetly.
“I know, a lómhara, but I have to work this problem out. Turn around while I do that.”
“I want to help. Why won’t you let me help figure things out, whatever it is?” Cheyenne asked Quinn with a mixture of irritation and concern. “If I’m the problem, then I want to be part of the solution!”
“Right, then turn around.”
About the Author:
Alyssa Bailey is a dyed in the wool Texan living in the beauty of Southeast Alaska with her husband, her youngest four (of eleven) children, two dogs and two cats. She lives where the sky meets the mountains, the mountains meet the ocean, and the wildlife frolic on land, sea, and air. People, the ultimate interlopers, are wedged in where allowed and are properly thankful for the privilege.
Her first memory of books was when her mother read to her as a small child. She began writing as soon as she could put letters together to form words. Her first story at the age of six was about a performing horse that ran away from the circus. As she got older and read more of a variety of books, she would say, “I can do better than that” and then rewrite them in her head. She was writing fanfiction before fanfiction was a ‘thing.'
In high school and college, she won journalism and special recognition for her academic and fictional writing. Alyssa is a firm believer in all things spanking. She loves writing about domestic discipline and power exchanges between strong, intelligent women who are not afraid to make a stand and men confident enough to give them their space but Alpha enough to keep his woman safe, in spite of herself. Her characters predominately live in Regency England amongst lords and ladies, in the contemporary realm amongst men and women of the world, and all things Cowboy.
Contact her, she loves to chat, and as always, have a Spankolicious day!
Find Alyssa Bailey online:
Twitter: @blushingalyssa
Blog/web page:
Instagram: @alyssabaileyromance
Blushing Books:
Don’t miss these exciting titles by ALYSSA BAILEY and Blushing Books!
Welcome Cowboy
Taming Texanna
Chase Abbey Series:
Lord Barrington’s Minx (book 1)
Becoming Lady Barrington (book 2)
Lady Caroline’s Defiance (book 3)
The O’Connor Series:
Liam & Jocelyn’s Story
Her Sweet Complication (Book 1)
Liam’s Lessons (Book 2)
Loving Liam (Book 3)
Ciarán and Katherine’s Story
His Gentle Persuasion (Book 1)
Rancher’s Creed (Book 2)
Katie Consents (Book 3)
Quinlan and Cheyenne's Story
Quinlan's Quest
Accepting His Ways
A Balancing Act (Fall 2016)
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